Consumer Affairs Minister Piyush Goyal on 14 Jan 2024, Sunday said that the Food Corporation of India’s (FCI) Open Market Sale Scheme has proved to be an effective tool in moderating the price of rice and wheat. FCI sells surplus stocks of wheat and rice in the open market from time to time through e-auction to enhance the supply of food grains. Mr Goyal said this while addressing a function to celebrate the 60th Foundation of FCI in New Delhi. He said Bharat Aata, Bharat Daal, and interventions regarding Onion and Tomato have assisted the government in price stabilization. Mr Goyal said, FCI has provided fair value of farmer’s produce and ensured no farmer should take up distress sale.
The Minister said the Food Corporation of India plays a crucial role in facilitating flagship schemes like Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana by providing ration to beneficiaries in every corner of the country. Mr Goyal emphasized that the role of FCI is not only to deliver ration but also to instill confidence in farmers and beneficiaries by bringing transparency, efficiency, and accountability.